Monday, April 30, 2007


The last 2 days I had to struggle against falling into my Black- Hole.
I felt really tired and I can sleep the whole afternoon.
I allso felt the anger coming up when things didn't work the way I wanted. I even ran away from a situation because I didn't want it to evolve in a big fight and a sinking away in the deep. I had more appointments that day so I want to stay in balance and don't stay angry allday.
Yesterday afternoon was very relax with my family and I didn't felt tired or so. But today I have slept all afternoon, because I was exhausted.
These feeling is unknown to me because normally I have energy enough to go on and on. I sleep every night about 6 hours and that is enough.
I allso feel no inspiration to do soem thing, I just want to sit down and just do nothing. I think this a part of the healing of my depression and I must admit that I loose energy because of the struggle. The harder I must struggle, the more I miss the nergy to do other things.

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