The battle in my mind is still going on. I feel thE anger very close to the surface, but most of the time I can keep it down. Only my wife understands the signs of the monster that is stepping out.
I am happy to have a session with my therapist on monday, so I can talk about all the things that have passed the last weeks.
It seems like my recovery is standing still or even going backwards. But when I am realistic I have come from very far and I am allready on the right track to become better. I understand my problem and I can react on it.
I feel when it is going wrong and I can take measures.
Now I feel calm and relaxed and I hope to keep it this way.
Hi i found your blog while doing a net search on depression to try and understand and cope with my own depression, i just wanted to say that after reading your blog i feel slightly better it helps to know i am not the only one feeling this way. keep up the blog its a great help tp us who read it.
hi i found your blog while doing a net search on depression and i just wanted to say it is refreshing to see some one tell it how it really is, i have only had one session with a psychologist so far but had many doc visits and am fed up hearing all the medical terms. can i ask how you have come to understand your depression because i am struggling to come to terms with mine
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