Monday, May 28, 2007


It still is acombat to overcome a depression. When I read stories in some forums on the internet I feel not alone in my battle.
Everybody has a different strategy and a different battle on a different level.
I really feel that I have struggle inside myself to stay a nice person for my enviroment.
Especially for my kids it is sometimes hard to understand. But they stay full of confidence in their father. That is one of the great things of children, that they love their parents without any question.
That gives allso a great responsebility for me to stay a real father for them. They must feel safe and trusted with you.
In your battle against your depression you still be their father and rolmodel. But that is maybe allso a positive thing to look forward when the black hole is around you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, it seems the black hole is always there waiting and we must be on our guard. I find it interesting that you are fighting your depression without medication. My I aski why? I couldn't do that. I found without medication I was not getting better at all no matter how hard I tried or what my therapist and I did. I got your blog address from your post on the My Therapy website.

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