I was feeling a little bit better today, but in the afternoon I felt that something in the relationship with my wife is changed.
For my feeling something is broken, is gone.
I felt really sad about it, but it is maybe a feeling on my side. I hope we can discuss this somewhere in the week.
Tonight I was with my youngest son to taekwondo and I was sitting there and I felt unhappy. It is unbelieveble but it is.
I think that is the great frustation of my wife, that she wants me to feel and be happy and I am not able to feel that way.
I know a lot of people wil trade place with me, but I must admit that with al the happiness around me, I feel really unhappy.
My mind made a list of all the good things, but I don't have a good feeling with those items.
I still need to do a lot of work.
I know a lot of people wil trade place with me, but I must admit that with al the happiness around me, I feel really unhappy.
My mind made a list of all the good things, but I don't have a good feeling with those items.
Well..., f*ck those other people. I have a lot of things that some people will be jealous about. A good education, enough money and a very nice girlfriend. But if I could trade it all to be freed from my dark feelings it is a no brainer for me! No one should suffer from this dark feelings!
Thanks EJ for your comment. Sometimes I really want to trde places with someone without these dark feelings. But in my good days I realize that they are a part of me. They are a part of my character, so I must learn to deal with them.
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